Oceanic Servers
Pantat (76561198872651478) | Ban Request - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Pantat (76561198872651478) | Ban Request (/showthread.php?tid=1915)

Pantat (76561198872651478) | Ban Request - Calz - 04-01-2020

Name: Pantat

SteamID: 76561198872651478

Server: Jailbreak 2

Time of incident: 10:40

Reason for the ban: CT Vent break

Evidence: https://youtu.be/GsBBWnxr4Hc

RE: Pantat (76561198872651478) | Ban Request - ONIONZZZ - 04-01-2020

Player has been banned, thanks, please contact Anthonyy for your creddies