Oceanic Servers
Unban Please - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Unban Please (/showthread.php?tid=1717)

Unban Please - Choke 76 - 18-11-2019

Name:Choke 76

SteamID2 : STEAM_1:1:128064904

Server ban or ct ban: Server Ban

Which server: JB1

Reason for ban: (1st Abusing Vip, 2nd Duplicate accounts)

Banning Admin: ONIONZZZ and PANEL

Why I should be unbanned: I first accidentally abused vip because i thought it was a glitch (I'm new to this server) and then I didnt wait out the 7 day ban and hopped on my alt. This resulted in a ban for both accounts.
I am really sorry for my actions of abusing vip, this lead to a 7 day ban. Because i didn't want to wait 7 days to play JB I hopped on to my alt and got banned by using a duplicate acc. This mistake was a very foolish one to make and i promise to not make another like this again. Heart Heart Heart

RE: Unban Please - teajae - 18-11-2019


Per the TOS for VIP , Abusing VIP is not tolerated and ruins the game for all players doing so in the future will lead to removing your VIP and being banned again.

Your ban will be reduced to 3 days, if found ban evading again this will result in a permanent ban with not much leniency.