Oceanic Servers
Unban please - Printable Version

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+-- Forum: Ban and Unban Requests (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12)
+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Unban please (/showthread.php?tid=1716)

Unban please - ☆Jailful☆ - 17-11-2019

Name: Floost

SteamID2 (use steamid.app to find): STEAM_1:1:423870959

Server or CTban: Server ban

Which Server (e.g JB1): JB2

Reason for the ban: Inviting people to an unsafe environment 

Banning admin: Anthonny

Why should you be unbanned: What I did was wrong and unrighteous, I thought the person I invited was a troll but it turned out to be really messed up and ended really badly, I have learned from my mistake and will try to apologies to the people that I have got involved , my discord is Floost #1116 if there is anything else that needs to be discussed and I made the unban request on Jailful's account because I have been forum banned, sorry if making an unban request on another person's account is wrong I just really want to get unbanned thank u

RE: Unban please - ONIONZZZ - 18-11-2019

Please reapply in a month.