Oceanic Servers
Another Ct ban request - Printable Version

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Another Ct ban request - Muhammad OlI - 17-11-2019

Suspect: Peng Weng, Nina, Googiest gook. Zachroh,
Date of incident: 17/11/2019,
Server 2,
Accusation: I was playing jailbreak then a T accused me of rebelling when i did nothing and then he asked them for my fate and he preceded to kill me. (He obviously did not slay and refused to admit it a freekill.)
Evidence: https://medal.tv/clips/10678830/d1337EfzbIa7 He also frekilled me again (No slay) Nina frekilled me on an open day for no reason as they were inside. evidence here: https://medal.tv/clips/10680043/d1337v1zlZd6 and nina killed me once again for no reason without slay. Evidence: https://medal.tv/clips/10681045/d1337PYBuQw7
It seems small but i even showed and he freekilled earlier for unknown reasons https://medal.tv/clips/10679708/d1337E6QbRwA
Gook freekilled me when there was no orders yet they said that they told me to be at the back https://medal.tv/clips/10680252/d1337071Mr2w
Once again peng weng freekilled me for no reason here is the evidence: https://medal.tv/clips/10680596/d1337ppdRMm5 (none of them slayed for any of my accusations)
Zachroh freekilled me for no reason when i was at the front of my cell. https://medal.tv/clips/10680685/d1337l7dLX2b And he freekilled me again for no reason when they said to execute me when they werent playing a game. Evidence was corrupted but will be found in logs.

RE: Another Ct ban request - Peng Weng - 17-11-2019

I tried doing something new. A court system either through trial by jury or explosive watermelon where we sentence prisoners. If you had been killed it is because the majority of other prisoners voted for you to die. Evidence had been provided to make sure the court was a fair process.

You were constantly screaming "DUD CT!!" and annoying everyone on the server. Basically, you were being a spastic retard. Everyone on the server was having fun and loving what I was doing but you. Only you were complaining and you ruined it for everyone. If anyone should be banned it should be you for ruining the fun of everyone else.

RE: Another Ct ban request - Muhammad OlI - 17-11-2019

That is no reason to freekill and You could mute me. How dare you fucking reply to your own ban request and not even read the rules.

13. Freekilling or mass-freekilling will result in a CTBan. This includes freekilling of all forms (shooting props at Ts, spamming game buttons, enabling friendlyfire in an uncontrolled situation etc.) (to be unbanned you will need to wait the period of time or by posting an unban request)

30. CTs that bait will receive a temporary CT ban. (Baiting is deliberately crossing paths with Ts or deliberately nearing their proximity) 

Respect others, leave personal attacks out. Any disrespect, racism or discrimination towards other players will entitle you to a mute/kick/ban. The very first rule was the rule you broke.

CTs cannot treat any of the Ts with favouritism. All rewards, punishments and orders must be awarded equally and fairly.

RE: Another Ct ban request - Peng Weng - 17-11-2019

Try finding a single other person playing on the server who would side with you. I was making everyone on the server have fun. You were ruining it for everyone. You just squeak and squeal with your 12 year old voice, make everyone hate you, then cry like a little bitch when you realize no one likes you.

RE: Another Ct ban request - BigDucky - 18-11-2019

Hi there, thanks for submitting this forum post

Due to your report and zackies message in need-staff-assistance, zacroh, peng weng and nina we're all CT banned last night.
Also to address gookyiest gooks freekill, fortunately I was able to grab the demo and here is another perspective of that kill https://streamable.com/uur9n . Note how he gave the order TWICE "straight to back cafeteria wall" so you stopping to type, running away from the nade that won't hurt you and moving back and forth would count as a clear delay in that clip, you can also hear them telling you why you were killed.
Additionally when providing video evidence, it would be very helpful if you would make the clip longer to provide more context to it.
Next time when submitting a ban request please use the template found here https://forums.dominationservers.com/showthread.php?tid=12
And post it in the right section here https://forums.dominationservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=13

Regardless thanks, contact Anthonyy either in game or on discord to receive your credit reward.