Oceanic Servers
Unban!!!!! Wtf!!! - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Unban!!!!! Wtf!!! (/showthread.php?tid=1674)

Unban!!!!! Wtf!!! - I'm 13 and I juul - 04-11-2019

Farrands Eatarer

SteamID2 (use steamid.app to find):
how the fuck would i know that shit

Server or CTban:

Which Server (e.g JB1): 
Jb 1

Reason for the ban:

Banning admin: 
some bitch

Why should you be unbanned: 
Fuck me cunt on the road to 20 ct bans, can hardly keep it up if im perma banned!

RE: Unban!!!!! Wtf!!! - MaX-PaiN#Nice - 04-11-2019

You are clearly a troll.

If you don't care, then neither do we.


Don't reapply for 2 months.