Oceanic Servers
Bon Voyage - Printable Version

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Bon Voyage - Tealkine - 10-10-2019

Welp, it's been a good run, but life does get in the way of what you enjoy.

I've enjoyed my time as a staff member, but recently I just haven't found the time to continue giving it my all, which is why I'll be stepping down from staff and probably won't show up too often on the server anymore. (Wdym 30 mins of playtime a week isn't enough for staff?!?!?)

I'd like to thank Jas for being so helpful for me during my time as a trial, moderator and admin.

I'd like to thank Sir Onionzzz the First for some pretty fun times on the server, and for giving me the time of day when I wanted to learn a certain arbitrary programming language,

I'd like to thank Hyphen for being chill,

I'd like to thank Cru, Breaky and Dotx for being pretty chill dudes throughout my time as staff,

I'd like to thank TeaJae for stealing a bit of my name, and generally being a cool dude,

I'd like to thank Tobiia, Boink, Decroded, SuBi, Winnie and Qazza for being really nice people on the staff team,

The staff team has really blown up since I joined, and I hope it keeps getting filled with more talented people, even from my limited experience from talking to them
the new admins and moderators seem like they'll be a good fit Smile.

May you forever be salty and mad porky and chewy, it at least keeps the server entertaining.

And of course, a special thanks to Anthonny and Turtle for encouraging me, supporting me and genuinely being the silent backbones of the server.

If I haven't mentioned your name and you really feel like I should've, I suck at writing farewells so just dm me and I'll give you a big smooch.

So this is farewell from the 100% success rate staff mentor and definitely the best bhopper on the server,

Cya bois.

    Tealkine Heart

P.s. Candy, you're a nerd.

RE: Bon Voyage - Turtle - 10-10-2019

rest in peace

RE: Bon Voyage - quaddeh - 10-10-2019

im not crying you are

RE: Bon Voyage - BigDucky - 10-10-2019

best of luck with all ur future adventures Tealkine.

RE: Bon Voyage - Yum Candy - 10-10-2019

Goodbye, sensei :,c  You'll be missed dearly. Come by every so often okay ;-;

RE: Bon Voyage - ChewBaker - 10-10-2019

Hahaha CYA nerd been fun, best of luck with your stuff.

RE: Bon Voyage - tobiia - 10-10-2019

Cya mentor  Heart Sad Undecided

RE: Bon Voyage - literally thousands of bees - 10-10-2019

Didn't miss my name but I'll still take that smooch

RE: Bon Voyage - Anthonyy - 10-10-2019

cya mate

RE: Bon Voyage - PMartian - 10-10-2019

laters <3