Oceanic Servers
Unban Request for Sam. - Printable Version

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Unban Request for Sam. - Sam. - 27-07-2019

Name: Sam.

Steam ID(use steamid.app to find): STEAM_1:0:52413062

Sourcebans or CTban: Sourcebans/Discord Ban

Which Server (e.g JB1): Discord

Reason for the ban: Multiple Accounts/ dont really know

Banning admin: Onionzzz

Why should you be unbanned: dont exactly know what i did wrong?

Additional Info: Joined the Domination Servers discord after being banned on an alternate account on minigames for "Tanking" my points, where i was trying to reach 0 points which means dying and not killing anyone under the alias of point assassai (added i wasnt trying to hide my identity as i have seen many people on minigames with alts), Admin Shane reset my points and asked him to either reset back to where i had reached (600ish) or leave it alone as im trying to reach 0 points, he told me to not to do it as ill end up killing someone and steal about 100 points from them. I can understand where hes coming at for this, however when joining discord to say hello, i was instantly kicked by Onionzzz and then joining back was instantly banned with him saying "you aren't welcome here you degenerate" so like, tryna figure out why the discord ban also if im being banned for having an alternate account on minigames, why doesnt everyone else who has like 4 have theirs banned too?

All im trying to do is reach 0 points on the alt, it takes a lot longer than you'd think, if the basis of banning it is "injecting points" would it be an issue if i did it on my main account then?
- im not point boosting any specific player
- im not hurting anyone by doing so everyone still has an equal chance to kill me
- no other admin seemed to have an issue with it
- gave a reasonable ultimatum that could ban my main if i intended to kill anyone and steal like 100 points, from what i gather was the main argument

- also the discord ban is just childish, wasn't hurting anyone was literally just saying hello? if i wasn't supposed to hear the conversation i could've been told.
- if there is any past grudges for whatever reasons id like to resolve them.

Churs Sam. Smile

thought id throw in the alt that i used on mini-games

RE: Unban Request for Sam. - ONIONZZZ - 27-07-2019

Didn't read your post but the server and Discord bans are separate and are not related, you were banned off MG for exploiting a loophole in the ranking system.

I didn't ban you off MG.