Oceanic Servers
Suggestions & History (Before you post) - Printable Version

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Suggestions & History (Before you post) - Raymond - 18-07-2018

Hi, I just like to go into history before people post some there own ideas from other servers

So lets get into this history

+ Votex LP

And all these rules have followed, I first joined on the xJB train and seen a lot of shit, but one thing has remain the same, the rules and uniqueness of this server and the fact that people will not let it be torn apart. Over and over AUS-JB has been pushed down, and over and over it has gotten backup, At one stage I thought the server really was RIP and made this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqol23YjlWw ((Bonus pictures of Retrodawn and magic in video) when they were much younger included).

But Aus-JB got back up, like it got back up when the MIA UK-USA-AUS server were stolen by Wolfman, after Wolfman fucked Viper on xJB, after Kevin/Longy/Damier broke FG. After MN broke after our lord and savior jeff open up a CSS and CSGO server at the same time, after AG died because CSS was dying, after JJJ (I forgot what happen TBH, fucking johan), even after ThingV went off chops and became level 10 dickhead, we got back up as a community, DS is up, not knowing what will kill this server there is a low chance your going to see any changes to what so many people love, what inspires this group to love this game format, to stand side by side and support it over and over. There will be no division, we survived longy (the anti-christ of Aus-JB), we can survive anything.

Aus-JB is about the banter to call your warden a cunt, its about the freedom to call a admin a cunt, its about your right to belong to a dis-functioning mob who smokes itself like fucking retards, its your right to force cunts to play your duck duck goose game as warden, who cares about anything else, keep the spam down, keep standard player model/maps and keep the game free flowing without lots of minor rules (eg: such as no counting).

So I  admire efforts to tell us how to make this long standing community of 10 years to become more like the aids of other server, however on behalf of this server, I invite you to keep your fucking communist ideas to yourself you cunt.

Let me show you maximum one of the original server map banners from 10 years ago
[Image: adasda.png]

I know Skourbion personally, we joke on facebook chat how his map been stolen like 5 times by the so called mappers who just re-logo the banner. Personally the surf added in on FG has been moved enough, its hard to keep up where its at, but this is a unique map, its standard but also has uniqueness like the player models.

Just to show you how much shit has happened look at this shit fight from the MIA and xJB days.

Quote:Basic overview, MIA created the jailbreak content that Wolfman like to pretends he made. He and his friend made the content which Wolfman manage to get the right by back stabbing MIA, this is proven in the image below which some idiot Ollie scribbled all over thinking he was funny. Then he took his content rights and agreed to a agreement with Viper (Abby gaming or xJB) This agreement work well with over 300 Admins paying $60 dollars for Admin. However Viper saw the need to protect his customers once Nibbles was abusing his chain of power placed to him by Wolfman. Viper removed Nibbles powers who mass ban the servers which Wolfman supported and deleted all the forums, server content on Viper servers (Illegal). Then he formed Fagget Gamers with his own lagging 2nd hand servers which he claims to have found in the middle of a island because he doesn�€™t want to admitted he brought it at Vinnies.  Fagget Gamers was formed on base of Wolfman, Ollie and Nibbles back stabbing as many people as they could. After Ollie and Nibbles left the server he appointed new idiots to control the server, his main goon was called Longy and Longy loved to ban people, help the server reaching 50,000 sourcebans of which he gloated over. But not all was good, the 2nd in charge who paid the server bills called Damier wiped all the bans and Longy left in rage and Damier had a fall out with the new number one called Tom as he was a horrible peoples person. Damier stop paying the bills and then the server crashed and a old FG coder stole the already stolen content and uploaded new servers and appointed all the same admins so the server still has the same ban mantality with a few former disgruntled lying new admins.

and this is from the owner of MIA and his enemy.

[Image: MIA.jpg]

This server has fundamentally remained the same from at less xJB, its became more dictatorial under the anti-christ (longy) but he could not hold down the game the players loved so much. Now days the culture is returning back to the great xJB and early FG culture which isn't quiet there yet, but the format today is still great as fuck, its literally unique and well loved by 10,000s of players in time. Just its been un-organised so much, so many shit fights, server & head admin changes, as well as offspins. Losses such as the 1000 plus member xJB Facebook group, how many of them are missing out because of Dragonflare mistake and don't know about DS, how many just walked away under the ban-hammer of longy, there so many examples  that can be named alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O19ogdRo0CA . (Longy is such a cunt) So many mistakes but still there is a core of people who in the passed and now to this day are putting in so much effort to revive and extend this community.

There a video of bad music on youtube which really shows the core fundamentals of the game on MIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkgbJTFqVxw . Do you notice something, its still really the exact same game.

The only rule I seen the community unsure about is Simon says, its pop in and out a few times, but its minor. Let me say this, in regards to button freeze and first/last reaction ideas I respond, "From my cold dead hands"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTdO-w3xnpw .

Now I am going to stop writing before I make this about me by posting videos about myself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RnQuXn_cTo or before I get to political about what I think the core of JB should be about (eg: rights of the mob speech https://pastebin.com/30EVunjm or JB my time speech https://pastebin.com/P2rfLsjp)

RE: Suggestions & History (Before you post) - ayble - 18-07-2018

Thanks for this. It was great learning about the past history of aus JB, and it leading up to where it is today.