Oceanic Servers
Nufty’s Unban request. - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Nufty’s Unban request. (/showthread.php?tid=1192)

Nufty's Discord Unban Request. - Nufty - old - 20-06-2019

Name: Nufty.

Discord: Barbiebot#2995.

Sourcebans, CTban, or Discord: Discord.

Reason for the ban: Posting NSFW in Memes and media.

Banning admin: Jas/Onionzzz

Why should you be unbanned: Firstly I would like to say sorry for posting NSFW in memes and media, it was very childish thing to do like everything I've done to Domination Servers, I just really wanna talk to the friends I've made over the 5 months from Domination Server in it's Discord. I know what I have done on Jailbreak and Discord and I think I should get another chance to redeem myself. I'm truly sorry for everything that I did on Domination Server I really am. I have waited 3 months since my Discord ban. I think 3 months is long enough to forgive me, please I miss DS as it is and everything about it. Just one more chance.
 Kind Regards, Nufty.  

Nufty’s Unban request. - Nufty - old - 22-06-2019

Name: Nufty.

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:487493207 .

Sourcebans or CTban or Discord: Source Ban, and Discord.

Which Server (e.g JB1): All Domination Server related.

Reason for the ban: Evading, Cheating, Doxing, Giving away map secrets, And impersonations.

Banning admin: Turtle/Deandre.

Why should you be unbanned: I am very sorry, I truly do mean it, I actually always have. Prior to this unban, I was a selfish immature asshole. I had disturbed the players in Domination Servers, and for that, I am eternally sorry. I knew every time I got banned I had an escape out, (ban evading). Ban evading was the only way I could play my favourite Server, Jailbreak. I had a feeling of deep guilt when I did it, but it was the only way to play the server again without being unbanned. But I've changed, I can assure you that. I have left behind the selfish, bratty version of me to the past, and now in the present is a reformed me. I truly mean no harm towards the community of Domination Servers, I genuinely just want to hang out with the friends I made on Domination Server, and just play JB and MG on DS. I miss the exciting feeling when you play on this Server, I really do, and I don't know how to emphasise that enough. From being a T trying to juke, gain speed, and run away, also being CT and having nervous thought on what to do. Jailbreak is what truly gives me happiness. This is why I ban evaded, to have that feeling. I know some admins, and members don't want me unbanned but that is fair, I've done terrible deeds in the past, every time I talked, I was talking shit to my peers or admins in any way I could. I've changed, I know I've done terrible stuff. I can't change that, I wish I could, but I can't. I suppose you guys will have to take my word for it.

RE: Nufty’s Unban request. - IVORK - 26-06-2019


After consulting with senior admins and above, we have decided to unban you from discord only for now. You may reapply for server unban in no less than two weeks.

