Oceanic Servers
Unban for molesto - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
+--- Thread: Unban for molesto (/showthread.php?tid=1125)

Unban for molesto - Molesto (3) - 02-06-2019

Name: molesto

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:242891510

Sourcebans or CTban: Server ban

Which Server (e.g JB1): All

Reason for the ban:doxxing, ban evading and possibly exploiting vip system

Banning admin: Turtle or onionz not quit sure as i was not on during the time i was banned.

Why should you be unbanned: I know this is very early for and unban request but i request a forum unban on my main account https://steamcommunity.com/id/ebicgmr/
i apologise for doxxing the staff members: Unicorn,Porkybear,Dildo but he has since left the staff team, Turtle, Ivork all these people have been exceptionally nice to me
but i have gone and stab them in the back. I know you guys focus alot on doxxes as they are an extremely high offence, but if i can get any bit of forgiveness it would mean alot with me.
The main reason i would like an unban is to socialise and talk with my fellow players/friends maybe a forum ban or an eventual in game ban could be in favour.
I don't expect much in return but anything that could help me closer to an unban will make me happy <3
Also it has been 50 or 51 days since i have been banned
Kind Regards~Molesto

RE: Unban for molesto - Deathmaster1820 (2) - 02-06-2019

Bruh doxxed 3 admins and expects an unban LMFAO

RE: Unban for molesto - Molesto (3) - 02-06-2019

bruh deathmaster leaves real name in bio and cries when someone says it grow up dirty ranga

RE: Unban for molesto - Raspberry - 02-06-2019

Can I get all the plugins that took you ages to do for the new JB server you are making thanks

RE: Unban for molesto - ONIONZZZ - 02-06-2019

I think we currently have a problem of being too lenient with people like you. I like how you also use the excuse of 'but they have left the staff team' and then you mention forgiveness would mean a lot to you, I wonder if not doxing would mean a lot to the victim?

You want something to help you get closer to an unban, here's a tip:

Stay out of trouble, re-apply in 1 month from the date of this thread.