Oceanic Servers
Steph unban - Printable Version

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Steph unban - Steph - 01-06-2019

Name: Steph

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:42086553

Sourcebans or CTban: Sourceban

Which Server (e.g JB1): JB1

Reason for the ban: 'intentionally crashing the server'

Banning admin: Porkybear

Why should you be unbanned: Here is some of the context to outline what occurred - We were playing wakka trinity, and i had just won the car game. I was going to LR but the car had been parked in front of the exit, so i couldn't leave the game straight away. A CT then jumped into the car game from the control area, so i knifed him, and he dropped his smoke and gun. I still couldn't leave the car game, and one of the CT's was still on the car-game button so i threw a smoke at him. You know what happened after that... But anyways, I had absolutely no idea that the server would crash, and at no point did anyone tell me, or dare me to do so. This was the one and only time that the server crashed by my actions, and as I alluded to by my recount of events, it was completely unintentional. I believe it was rumoured that I attempted to crash the server again, but this is simply not true. I had a smoke out in the obstacle area after the incident, but it was on a different wakka map, and also since i now knew what would happen, i obviously avoided throwing it near the "problem area".

TLDR - I didn't crash the server intentionally. Despite the fact it was an accident, I promise not to do it again. 

RE: Steph unban - Jas8621 - 01-06-2019

Moved for censoring.

RE: Steph unban - Cynic - 01-06-2019

As per Steph's account, I was the CT she tried to smoke. I was wardening at the time and had ordered Ts to play car game, Dead was the CT on the controls during the game. When the game finished, Steph had survived so she had LR, but Dead had locked her in car game with the car blocking the entrance. Dead was killed and that's probably where Steph got the smoke from. I told Steph to LR as I tried to free her from the car game by going on the controls and gently moving the car out of the way, without trying to kill her.

While I was on the controls being a big oaf and trying my best to nudge the car away Steph had decided it was the best time to smoke me. She threw the smoke up onto the control panel with the full intent of smoking me while I was bumming around. I started to scream like a little girl over mic as I attempted to get away from the smoke because I was still in control of the car, so I repeatedly smashed my space bar to get off.

The server crashes. I go on discord and ping Steph and as a joke I said the following below:

[Image: 89nKO32.png]

From my perspective I thought the server necked itself cause of some error, but when Steph was permed for "intentionally crashing the server" I was 80% sure it was related to this incident.

I would like my perspective to be taken into full consideration because I wholly believe Steph accidentally crashed the server while trying to smoke me on the controls.

RE: Steph unban - Turtle - 02-06-2019

accepted thanks

RE: Steph unban - ONIONZZZ - 02-06-2019

Note you were originally banned due to staff members seeing you attempt the smoke when there was no players there, but failing as well as another staff member saying they leaked to you how to crash via the method you did.

The crash has been patched regardless, but for future anyone reading this, purposely crashing the server will result in a permanent ban.