Oceanic Servers
Unban - Printable Version

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+--- Forum: Unban Request (https://forums.oceservers.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=14)
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Unban - __GeMzZ__ [no computer] - 22-05-2019

Name:  Hopsin

Steam ID:  /Hopsin_666/

Sourcebans or CTban: SourceBan

Which Server (e.g JB1): JB1 JB2

Reason for the ban: hacks

Banning admin: Console 

Why should you be unbanned: i was using hacks on my second account for testing bc the game was free at this point and i wanted to see how it looked and i was ban evading but that was bc i was denied and disrespected by some staff and i thought i whould never be aloud back so yea i have not been ban evading for about 2 months i just really wanna get back on with the bois please thanks for reading <3
btw hopsin_666 is my custom id [:

RE: Unban - Turtle - 22-05-2019

Gemzz this appeal will be accepted under a probation period of 1 month. This means if you break the rules or something similar with in this one month you may be re-permed from the community. This is your one chance to redeem yourself.