Oceanic Servers
Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - mane - 18-05-2019

Steamid: 1065803

Ban: CTBAN 1 day false kos

Server: server 2

Banning Admin: Turtle

Reason for Ban:
Why Should I be unbanned: I accidentally called a false kos on someone when i thought you could if they were spamming chat. I was unaware of that factor and apologise.

RE: Unban Request - Winnie Blues - 18-05-2019

Hi Mane, 

You called a kos on me while I was investigating in incognito, for simply saying "stop stacking" in chat 3 times and called a kos on someone else for chat spam. You are not staff, and my "spam", wasn't enough to disrupt the game, therefore you had no right to take my punishment into your own hands, so you can serve the remainder of your ~22 hour ban to reflect on your actions, a very minor inconvenience isn't enough to warrant a kill. 

In future, please only take actions into your own hands if there is no staff on, the inconvenience is big enough to disrupt the game where it's no longer able to be progressed, and you have video of said inconvenience. 

Appeal Denied.
Thread is now closed.