Oceanic Servers
Jeff Unban Request - Printable Version

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Jeff Unban Request - fuck you - 17-05-2019

Name: JEFF

Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050238357/

Sourcebans or CTban: CTban

Which Server (e.g JB1): JB1

Reason for the ban: Smoking CT

Banning admin: Max Pain

Why should you be unbanned: On map Skylight, I was throwing a smoke into the pool locker room area when a CT got in the way, I did not mean to smoke CT it was for rebelling T's. Thank you

RE: Jeff Unban Request - Turtle - 18-05-2019

Hello, accepted as this is an accident.

Keep in mind this is your 10th CTban and punishments are not so light for serious offences