Oceanic Servers
Sorry deathmaster I was in the wrong - Printable Version

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Sorry deathmaster I was in the wrong - Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub - 13-05-2019

Name:Ibrahim saleh mohammed al yocub

Steam ID:STEAM_1:0:451570943

Sourcebans or CTban:Source

Which Server (e.g JB1):Jail break server 1

Reason for the ban:doxing Deathmaster

Banning adminTongueorkyBear

Why should you be unbanned:I am incredible sorry to deathmaster for the dox. I thought what I was doing was ok since other players said his name and his name was in his bio I wasn't aware that I wasnt aloud to say the name in the steam bio I only found out about this after I was banned and me and Ivork had a conversation about how what I did was wrong and I understand now that I should of taken him seriously when he asked me to stop If I do get unbanned this would never happen again I am fully in the wrong here and I do understand if I don’t get unbanned

Cheers again, from Ibrahim

RE: Sorry deathmaster I was in the wrong - IVORK - 16-05-2019

In lieu of a response from deathmaster it has been decided that we will unban you. Please be aware of your future actions and that you will be closely monitored in a probationary style for the next month.
