Oceanic Servers
Farewell Bois. - Printable Version

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Farewell Bois. - tobiia - 23-11-2020

Hey guys,

I know I haven't been around much lately and have been largely out of touch but it's still with a heavy heart I'll announce my departure from the Community and all Sub-Communities as a whole.

Some recent and sudden events IRL has changed the direction of my life in ways that will hold me down with little ways to get back up. 

I'm sure one day I'll hop on, perhaps incognito, perhaps back into the community as a whole but no time soon.

I won't be deleting any of my accounts so I'll still be around and playing games on Steam etc, just not here.

In the short 2-3 years I've been apart of AUS JB, I'm glad to say that I do not hate anyone but in fact will treasure you all in my memories. 

Not to get too sobby but you're all memorable individuals and I wish you all the best.

My regards to the Staff Team and everyone who has ever been apart of it, keep your chins up.

Kind regards,
DS Head Admin
Tobiia, James.

RE: Farewell Bois. - molesto - 23-11-2020


message had to be longer.

RE: Farewell Bois. - DrKittens - 23-11-2020

Good luck with it all brother. 

Hope to see you on the other-side soon man. May the courts and judges be fair and just.

RE: Farewell Bois. - Badank Badang - 23-11-2020

Goodbye and farewell tobiia Sad

RE: Farewell Bois. - I'm 13 and I drink and smoke - 23-11-2020

Farewell my hero 
look forward too meeting u again in the promised land 
all the best

RE: Farewell Bois. - ChewBaker - 23-11-2020

See you round tobia,

Always welcome in the unit cave. Unit pass for life mate.

RE: Farewell Bois. - wK - 23-11-2020

thats crazy, cya

RE: Farewell Bois. - BigDucky - 23-11-2020

Ur a top lad tobiia, one of the boys, best of luck with your future endeavours.
Goodbye good sir.

RE: Farewell Bois. - Jas8621 - 23-11-2020

*Sad Boi Noises*

RE: Farewell Bois. - literally thousands of bees - 23-11-2020

Goodbye Tobiia ;(

Glad I've known you for these past two years thanks for being the reason I decided to stick around in this community I will truly miss you and I wish you all the best

<333 Heart